Mr. Jean-Luc BRAUNSCHWEIG-KLEIN intervenes in the area of continuing vocational training, whether it be within or across enterprises.
The law practice proposes a wide range of training programmes in labour law, social welfare law, human resources management policies:
- The fundamentals in labour law
- Legal and social developments
- Workplace accidents and occupational diseases
- Negotiations between the social partners within the enterprise
- Professional interviews and assessments
Thematic training in labour law
These types of training are intended to improve one’s knowledge of a particular topic such as URSSAF inspections, the functioning of the economic and social committee, unfitness for work, professional equality, workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

Professional interviews and assessments
This training is intended to accompany you during the setting up, conducting and follow-up of professional interviews and assessments, but equally during job interviews, wage negotiation interviews, interviews prior to disciplinary action, follow-up interviews after a « forfait jours » (remuneration based on number of days worked), interviews about the apprentice’s training progress, interviews related to the appreciation of the trade union experience, etc.
Assessment interviews : Is the assessment interview mandatory? What is its frequency? What to do in case of refusal by the employee or by his/her hierarchy? What are the reciprocal obligations of the employee and his/her employer? What type of formalization of the interview? How to organise its follow-up? Which are SMART objectives? What are the key areas to be covered? What are the most common errors, missteps to be avoided.
Professional interviews : What is the purpose of the interview? What are its salient features? What type of employee does it address? n which cases do these interviews have to be proposed systematically? What are its terms and conditions et possible sanctions if these interviews fail to take place?